BIM workflow - Eficiência e qualidade de trabalhar em BIM

Workflow is of great importance in managing road and railway infrastructure design in BIM

BIM workflow

Eficiência e qualidade de trabalhar em BIM

Workflow is of great importance in managing road and railway infrastructure design in BIM.

Efficient workflow and efficient coordination activities improve design quality, contain design and modeling costs, and reduce errors during construction.

Trabalhar em BIM

Maximum efficiency is achieved by integrating design, geometric-informative modeling, information exchange and analysis and verification activities in a single activity.
The use of software tools that integrate these different activities in a single platform is the main tool for obtaining an efficient workflow.

The main work

In the design of the workflow the first and most important element that must be considered is which is the main work and which are the ancillary works.
The main work defines the choice of software that manages it both in design and in management and which must be able to manage models of ancillary works.
The main work determines whether we are in horizontal or vertical BIM.

Horizontal BIM and Vertical BIM

Horizontal BIM (Infrastructure) is very different from Vertical BIM (Buildings) and requires very different workflows and tools.
Among the most important differences between the two types of BIM we find:



Design using axes, profiles and cross sections Design using objects and parametric elements
Model based on parametric extrusions and little on objects Model based mainly on objects (object libraries)
Use of the terrain as a fundamental element for design Use of terrain as a marginal element in design
Large extension of the model Medium-small extension of the model
Interchange formats specific to infrastructures Interchange formats specific to buildings

Interchange formats

The exchange of information for infrastructures requires the transfer of specific information of the infrastructures world.
The formats that can be used are:

Fluxos de trabalho

Two workflows are most commonly used:

Take part in the SierraSoft Workshops on BIM Workflow

SierraSoft organiza periodicamente workshops online gratuitos intitulados “Trabalhar em BIM: Projecto, fluxo de trabalho e coordenação para infraestruturas rodoviárias”.
The workshops are constantly being reviewed to provide the state of the art on the subject.
For more information about these workshops send an email to
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