Software BIM para topografia, Software BIM para o projecto ferroviário, rodoviário e hidráulico, Software BIM para as construções

BIM para a engenharia civil, BIM para as infraestruturas, BIM para a topografia


Soluções software BIM para a topografia e as infraestruturas

SierraSoft Infra Design Studio:Software BIM para o projecto ferroviário, rodoviário e hidráulico
SierraSoft Infra Design Studio

Software BIM para o projecto ferroviário, rodoviário e hidráulico

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SierraSoft Land Design Studio:Software BIM para cálculo, modelação 3D e análise topográfica
SierraSoft Land Design Studio

Software BIM para cálculo, modelação 3D e análise topográfica

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SierraSoft BIM Modeling:Extensão software BIM para modelação de informações
SierraSoft BIM Modeling

Extensão software BIM para modelação de informações

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SierraSoft BIM Exchange:Extensão software BIM para a troca de informações
SierraSoft BIM Exchange

Extensão software BIM para a troca de informações

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SierraSoft BIM Checking:Extensão software BIM para a análise e verificação de informações
SierraSoft BIM Checking

Extensão software BIM para a análise e verificação de informações

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8° Conferenza Nazionale IBIMI - buildingSMART Italia
Evento presencial

8° Conferenza Nazionale IBIMI - buildingSMART Italia

SierraSoft é Top Partner do evento
Auditorium Antonianum
Roma - Itália
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Progettazione stradale BIM con SierraSoft Roads

Progettazione stradale BIM con SierraSoft Roads

Matteo Colussi, BIM Specialist and trainer at SierraSoft, gave an online lecture today for the university master's program “BIM management in construction works” at the Politecnico of Milan.
The lecture titled “Progettazione stradale BIM con SierraSoft Roads” was held within the teaching unit “Il BIM per l'authoring infrastrutturale”
La progettazione di infrastrutture stradali e ferroviarie in BIM

La progettazione di infrastrutture stradali e ferroviarie in BIM

Mauro Coletto, CEO of SierraSoft, gave an online lecture today for the course “Civil Engineering for Hydraulics and Transportation” at the University of Naples FEDERICO II - Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering
The lecture titled “La progettazione di infrastrutture stradali e ferroviarie in BIM” was held within the teaching “Infrastructure-Building Information Modeling (I-BIM)”
Implementazione degli Standard IDS e bSDD nella Progettazione Infrastrutturale

Implementazione degli Standard IDS e bSDD nella Progettazione Infrastrutturale

Palestra de Mauro Coletto (CEO da SierraSoft) na 7° Conferenza Nazionale IBIMI - buildingSMART Italia
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Optimizing BIM Infrastructure Design with the Integration of IDS and bSDD

Optimizing BIM Infrastructure Design with the Integration of IDS and bSDD

Available for download the presentation slides of the project “Optimizing BIM Infrastructure Design with the Integration of IDS and bSDD“ presented by Mauro Coletto (SierraSoft) and Rachele Bernardello (LIM. lab University of Padova) at InfraBIM Open 2024 Lyon, France.
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buildingSMART International Standards Summit in Lillestrøm - Infrastructure Domain Session 4 - Panel session ID and RWD

buildingSMART International Standards Summit in Lillestrøm - Infrastructure Domain Session 4 - Panel session ID and RWD

Panel session with the Railway Domain to include software vendors and/or from an infrastructure owner's perspective
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Final presentation of the “Applying IFC for Rail” project during the buildingSMART International Standards Summit in Lillestrøm

Final presentation of the “Applying IFC for Rail” project during the buildingSMART International Standards Summit in Lillestrøm

SierraSoft participated in the bSI Rail Test Case BC001 and produced all the required models
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Purpose Useful Models with SierraSoft BIM Modeling

Purpose Useful Models with SierraSoft BIM Modeling

Example of using BIM filters to obtain information models according to purpose (vídeo em inglês)
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