SierraSoft Roads

BIM software for the design of roads and highways

BIM software for the design of roads and highways

Technical resources

Accessible from the software online help (including trial version)


  • SierraSoft Roads guide
  • SierraSoft BIM Exchange guide*
  • SierraSoft BIM Modeling guide*
(*) not included with the trial version

Video tutorial:

Introduction to the working environment

  • Opening of a work
  • Work organization
  • The BIM Modeling panel
  • The graphic windows
  • The toolbar
  • The command line
  • The layer panel
  • The filter panel
  • The property panel
  • The Survey, Axis, Profile operating windows
  • The Typical sections, Sections operating windows
  • The Intersections, Quantity operating windows
  • The Settings window
  • The Policies window

Video tutorial:

Overview on databases

  • The import from sgd
  • The images import

  • The import of DWG/DXF files

  • The downloading of maps and DEM from internet

  • The import of Land XML files

  • The import of IFC files

  • The import of ASCII files

  • The special Copy and Paste
  • The conversion of clouds or DEM

Video tutorial:

Design predispositions

  • The units of measurement and the reference system

  • Setting of the drawing styles, entity styles and annotations boxes

  • Transformation of graphic entities

  • Terrain modeling

  • Terrain extraction styles

Video tutorial:

Road design basic flow

  • Choice of the policy

  • Alignment definition

  • Insertion of the typical section

  • Generation parameters

  • Analysis of the results

Video tutorial:

Informative modeling of a road

  • Information modeling of the project and axis

  • Information modeling of the alignment

  • Information modeling of the BIM objects of the model: WBS intervals

  • Information modeling of the BIM objects of the model: Elements by codes

  • Information modeling of the BIM objects of the model: Guard-rail with Smartpolyline

(*) not included with the trial version
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