SierraSoft Roads
Main news
Version 10
Improvement: | Improved the project model generation engine |
News: | Added a window to simplify the compilation of SMART properties of BIM objects (BIM Modeling) |
Improvement: | Modified the check for the exclusion of vertical intersections in the sight diagram |
News: | Added the possibility to calculate the reverse sight diagram in one-way roadways |
News: | Added the management of a interval for the definition of notable points of generation of the project model |
News: | Added the management of customizable intervals for longitudinal division of project model entities |
News: | Added the management of customizable WBS intervals based on project model entities |
News: | Added the management of the parameter styles of generation of the project model |
News: | Added the “Model” operation panel for unified management of project model generation parameters and intervals |
News: | Added the generation of the project model from section quantities |
News: | Added the command for the horizontal inversion of the section polylines |
News: | Added the management of platform characteristics for integer, text, and list of options properties |
News: | Added the possibility to define the angle in the point selection with the direction and length option (“>”) |
News: | Added the management of the survey triangle symbol with the visualization of lines or triangle number |
Improvement: | Updated the scale command with the possibility to define the reference distance as the distance between two points |
News: | Added the possibility to center columnings of sections relative to section polylines |
News: | Added a command for compacting the project file |
News: | Added camera focal length management in realistic mode |
News: | Added the display of grid and geoid information |
News: | Added geoid management for the correction of elevations |
News: | Added new coordinate systems |
News: | Added “Polyline width” property that allows polylines to be represented with a constant width independent of lineweight |
News: | Added the management of IDS in BIM Modeling for the verification of information content compilation |
News: | Added the management of bSDD in BIM Modeling for the compilation of information content |
News: | Added the management of file GEOTiff DEM in the SierraSoft Mass Data Converter |
News: | Added the management of file E57 in the SierraSoft Mass Data Converter |
News: | Release Version 10 |
Version 9
News: | Added the command constraints checking |
News: | Added filter on drawing style in quick selection |
News: | Added the possibility to set the orientation of contour line dimensioning in the direction of rises |
Improvement: | Improved and updated import and export in IFC 4.3 format |
News: | Added distance dimension from a polyline |
News: | Added distance dimension from an alignment |
News: | Added the management of quantity calculation bands by sections |
News: | Added the management of axis points to insert points and objects related to an axis |
News: | Added management of quantity calculation using formulas |
News: | Added the possibility to filter only the BIM objects and not the BIM structure when exporting to IFC format |
News: | Added the display of WBS in the section table |
News: | Added preview of speed diagram |
News: | Added the possibility to perform the extractions using as a reference subproject the one where the extraction is inserted |
Improvement: | Updated the toolbar of drawing styles |
News: | Added command for deleting unused layers, blocks and styles |
News: | Added command for quick selection of entities |
News: | Added the possibility to automatically hide the top bar and bottom bar of the program |
News: | Added a command to change the angle of survey points with a fixed value, from a polyline or from an axis |
Improvement: | Improved the management of entity selection filters |
Improvement: | Speed up axis generation |
Improvement: | Speed up the visualization of point clouds |
Improvement: | Speed up the functions of saving and opening files |
News: | Release Version 9 |
Version 8
News: | Added the command to perform subproject data transformation by calibration points |
Improvement: | Updated the component for selection from Google maps to make it compatible with the new Google API |
News: | Added the offset command in the commands for editing the section polylines |
News: | Added new horizontal workings in the calculation style of the areas in the sections |
News: | Added in the extraction from point clouds the possibility to exclude points below a certain elevation difference from the project |
News: | Added the extraction from point clouds optimized for tunnels |
News: | Added the possibility to save an image from the window of the planimetry in “Full Screen” mode |
News: | Added “Full Screen” mode for the the window of the planimetry |
News: | Added the export to DWG of BIM properties of survey points as hidden attributes |
News: | Added material management in realistic mode |
News: | Added environment management in the realistic mode |
Improvement: | Improved light management in realistic mode |
News: | Added the management of the IfcAlignment in IFC 4.3 format |
News: | Added the “Orthogonal distance” columning in the sections that allows you to dimension the orthogonal distance between polylines as is the case, for example, in the dimensioning of the tunnel |
News: | Added the “Vertical distance” columning in the sections that allows to dimension the vertical distance between the polylines |
News: | Added visualization in profile of terrain and project lines between sections |
News: | Added the opening of new image formats: ECW, PCX, WMF, PCT |
Improvement: | Improved the creation of the triangular island in the intersections of axes with separated roadways |
Improvement: | Managed the unit of measurement when importing block references from DWG |
News: | Added the choice of decimal separator in text document exporting |
News: | Added the management of the drawing grid in the window of the planimetry |
News: | Added new special dimensions: station, polyline, area, triangle slope, transversal slope, axis leader and axis distance |
News: | Added arcs and splines linearization tolerance in triangulation |
News: | Added the columning with constant step in profile and sections |
News: | Added the management of auxiliary contour lines |
News: | Added the increment option in the block modification of the name of survey points |
News: | Added the management of the description 2 of the survey points |
News: | Added the possibility to insert 3D faces with the fourth vertex |
News: | Added the possibility to save simulation terrains in the Typical sections building windows |
News: | Added the possibility to see the references of the planimetry and profile polylines in the typical sections building window |
News: | Added the possibility to open the window for editing typical objects from the typical sections building window |
News: | Added the command to copy property values of one object to another in the typical sections building window |
News: | Added the command duplicate objects in the typical sections building windows |
Improvement: | Updated the management of object catalogs in the typical sections building window |
News: | Release Version 8 |
Version 7
News: | Added the dimensioning of the grade lines slopes in the profile |
News: | Added the possibility to generate the stripping line as a closed polyline |
News: | Added 2D/3D distance property of elements in BIM objects created from the project planimetry (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added volume property to BIM objects created from project planimetry plan (BIM Modeling) |
Improvement: | Improved the typical objects: Band between two lines, sideslope with berms and top soil cut layer |
News: | Added the command to convert a horizontal alignment element from straight to curve and vice versa |
News: | Added the command to invert a horizontal alignment element |
News: | Added the command to join two consecutive vertical alignment elements |
News: | Added the command to divide a vertical alignment element |
News: | Added the command to join two consecutive horizontal alignment elements |
News: | Added the command to divide a horizontal alignment element |
News: | Added the road policy “GRC - OMOE - 2001” for Greece |
News: | Added the management of closed cutting polylines in the generation of the project model |
Improvement: | Improved the management of the cutting polylines in the generation of the project model |
Improvement: | Improved the management of hatches in plotting previews |
Improvement: | Improved the management of surface polylines with internal areas in SmartPolyline |
News: | Added the possibility to view the summary of quantities in the BIM objects of the axis |
News: | Added the possibility to extract quantities from BIM objects. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added the possibility to select which codes to display in the summary of the quantities in reports and in the BIM objects |
News: | Added the possibility of defining the origin when exporting in IFC format |
News: | Added then command to delete duplicated triangles |
News: | Added the possibility of calculating the basin volume from a point of minimum |
News: | Added the possibility of displaying or not the date, time and name of the project file in the printouts |
News: | Added the possibility to apply longitudinal and transversal rotation to blocks along a polyline in SmartPolyline |
News: | Added the possibility to sort the tables of the elements of the geometry annotation by curves |
News: | Added the possibility to give a name to the horizontal alignment elements to be recalled in the geometry annotation and in the prints |
News: | Added the possibility to choose whether to dimension the clothoids in the geometry annotation as a dimension or as an element offset |
News: | Added the dimensioning of the stations of tangent points in the geometry annotation |
News: | Added the possibility to use marks in the table headers of the geometry annotation |
Improvement: | Improved the dimensioning of horizontal alignment elements in the geometry annotation |
News: | Added the Sideslope separator object that sizes itself based on an offset from a sideslope |
Improvement: | Updated the single separator object with the possibility to extend to a section polyline |
Improvement: | Updated the single separator object with the possibility to set the slope |
Improvement: | Improved the visualization of the policy check in the tables of horizontal and vertical alignment elements |
News: | Added a function to extend the intervals of the selected typical sections and characteristics at the end of the axis |
News: | Added the extraction of a section polyline from the terrain profile of an axis |
News: | Added the projection of an axis in the extractions of the profile |
News: | Added the projection of an axis polyline in the extractions of the profile |
News: | Added the projection of a survey polyline in the extractions of the profile |
News: | Added the command to create an offset of an axis |
News: | Added the command to create thematic maps from models |
News: | Added the command to calculate the quantities between two surveys |
News: | Added the command to calculate the quantities of a survey from a fixed elevation |
News: | Added the command to calculate the plane and sloped area of a survey |
News: | Added the command to calculate the perimeters of a survey |
News: | Added command to delete triangles of a survey with a polyline |
News: | Added the command to divide the triangles of a survey with a polyline |
News: | Added the command for the visualization of the plane areas |
News: | Added the command for displaying valleys and ridges |
News: | Added the command for displaying peaks and pits |
News: | Added the command to calculate the filling volume of a basin |
News: | Added the command to calculate a contour line from a point |
News: | Added the command for calculating the water path from a point |
News: | Added the visualization of the slope vectors on project planimetry models |
News: | Added the display of slope vectors in the survey models |
News: | Release Version 7 |
Version 6
News: | Added the ability to select which codes should create contour lines in the project model |
News: | Added the possibility to use the data of the external vertex of the curves in reports and policy |
News: | Added the possibility to create sweeps of shapes with inner boundaries |
News: | Added the possibility to create polygonal surfaces from polylines |
News: | Added the management of the BIM properties of the project |
News: | Added the management of the BIM object of the site and its BIM properties |
News: | Added the management of the BIM properties of the alignment, the horizontal alignment and the vertical alignment |
News: | Added in the BIM Exchange the import and export in IFC 4.3 format |
News: | Added features to BIM Modeling to make it compatible with IFC 4.3 format |
Improvement: | Modified the generation of the project planimetry model of the axis to make it compatible with the IFC 4.3 format |
News: | Added the possibility to define the start vertex number of the axis vertices |
News: | Added the coloring of survey model by slopes |
News: | Added the displacement in Y for the default position of the survey points labels |
Improvement: | Moved to the subproject level the management of the filters of the survey points labels |
Improvement: | Moved to the subproject level the management of the labels, sizes and symbols of the survey points |
News: | Added the command to join BIM objects |
News: | Added in the BIM “SMART” properties the possibility to read directly the characteristics of the entity |
News: | Added in the BIM Exchange the import and export in ESRI Shape (SHP) format |
News: | Added in the BIM Exchange the export in Google KML and Google KMZ format |
News: | Added the possibility to generate the BIM objects of the project planimetry grouped by code |
News: | Added the possibility to modify the order of project quantity codes, section quantities and WBS |
News: | Added the possibility to filter the WBS to print in the quantity summary and in the quantities from sections |
News: | Added the possibility to sort or not the quantities in the summary and linked reports |
News: | Added the management of automatic jumps of the reference datum in the profile preview |
News: | Added the management of the plot windows |
News: | Added the management of the drawing sheets |
News: | Added the possibility to choose whether to select complete BIM objects or individual entities. |
News: | Added the import and export of survey points by station and offset in text format. |
News: | Added the command mirror. |
News: | Added the command fillet. |
News: | Added the command chamfer. |
News: | Added the selection of points in the drawing commands indicating the name of the initial and final survey point. |
Improvement: | Improved the selection with polyline. |
News: | Added the command for the insertion of survey points by station and offset respect to an axis. |
News: | Added the color of the titles and texts of columning by polyline code. |
News: | Added the commands for the drawing of the sideslopes. |
News: | Added the management of the hatches of the cut/fill zones in the profile. |
News: | Added the command to insert a polyline from a closed area. |
News: | Added the import and export in DWG and DXF of the hatches. |
News: | Added the management of the hatches of the project planimetry. |
News: | Added the management of the hatches of the sections areas. |
News: | Added the management and commands for the insertion of the hatches. |
Improvement: | Improved the calculation of the sight distances. |
News: | Added the command to interpolate the elevations of a polyline from survey points. |
News: | Added the export of the tables to DWG and DXF. |
News: | Added the export of dimensions to DWG and DXF. |
News: | Add the commands for the insertion of the dimensions. |
Improvement: | Improved the geometry annotation with the insertion of editable dimensions. |
News: | Added the command to convert texts in the name or in the elevation of the survey points. |
News: | Added the possibility to import and export the BIM properties “Lists of options”. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added the possibility to import and export the BIM property styles. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added the possibility to define the layer for the slope-hatches of the project planimetry. |
News: | Added new views of the project BIM structure. |
News: | Added the possibility of the multiple change of the selected BIM objects properties. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added the possibility to define predefined groups for the entities of the project planimetry and of the SmartPolylines. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added the possibility to view the quantities of the WBS intervals and sections with the quantity code or article. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added the possibility to define the type of IFC entity in BIM objects export through entity styles. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added the possibility to define the type of IFC entity in BIM objects export. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added the possibility to create a group or not for properties that derive from an entity style. (BIM Modeling) |
Improvement: | Improved the notes display in the BIM objects structure. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added the BIM styles management of the project planimetry elements based on the code of the section polylines. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added the management of the BIM “SMART” properties for the advanced autofill of the BIM object properties. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added new autofill features of the “WBS” BIM properties. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added the management of the BIM properties for the WBS codes. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added the management of the BIM properties “List of options”. (BIM Modeling) |
Improvement: | Improved the management and insertion of the entity properties. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added management of Spline, Spline Fit, Bezier/Spline types in the drawing polylines and polylines with code |
News: | Release Version 6 |
Version 5
News: | Added the possibility to select the position, left or right, of displaying of the section areas |
News: | Added the video tutorial section in the online help (Requires internet connection) |
News: | Added the exportation of the survey points as blocks with attributes |
Improvement: | Improved the import of large IFC files |
Improvement: | Improved the export of large surfaces in LandXML format |
Improvement: | Improved the import of large surfaces in LandXML format |
News: | Added grips in realistic mode |
News: | Added the lock of the view in the graphic window of the planimetry |
News: | Added the predefined views in the graphic window of the planimetry |
News: | Added the “Normativa intersezioni 2006 - Italia” with the parameters of the ramps from the table |
News: | Added the projects sharing between the M3 Framework products |
News: | Added the stereoscopic 3D view in realistic mode |
News: | Added the management of the SmartPolyline styles in the axis polylines |
News: | Added the management of the SmartPolyline styles in the survey polylines |
News: | Added the SmartPolylines for the dynamic 3D modeling of composed surfaces and solids |
News: | Added the command for extruding a polyline |
News: | Added the command for sweeping a shape along a polyline |
News: | Added the command for sweeping an object along a polyline |
News: | Added the command for inserting blocks along a polyline |
News: | Added the command for the triangulation between two polylines |
News: | Added the command for the triangulation of a polyline |
News: | Added the command for creating a sideslope to model from a polyline |
News: | Added the command for creating a sideslope from a polyline |
News: | Added the extraction of a polyline as offset of the axis in planimetry |
News: | Added the extraction of section flags from the project planimetry in planimetry |
News: | Added the extraction of section flags from sections in planimetry |
News: | Added the extraction of section polylines in planimetry |
News: | Added the rectangle command for the polylines of survey, axis, profile and sections |
News: | Added the rectangle command for the drawing polylines |
News: | Added the conversion of SierraSoft MGD files to point cloud in SierraSoft Mass Data Converter |
News: | Added the conversion of Esri ASCII Grid files to point cloud in SierraSoft Mass Data Converter |
Improvement: | Improved the calculation of intersection points in the speed diagram |
News: | Added the report of survey points with staking out data |
News: | Added the staking out of existing survey points |
News: | Added the insertion of survey points from sections |
Improvement: | Added tabbed management in the program toolbar |
News: | Added the possibility to filter the extracted entities in section according to a BIM filter |
News: | Added the possibility to filter the extracted entities in profile according to a BIM filter |
News: | Added the possibility to filter the extracted entities in section according to the layer |
News: | Added the possibility to filter the extracted entities in profile according to the layer |
News: | Added the possibility to extract in the sections the intersections references with the axis polylines |
News: | Added the possibility to extract in the sections the intersections references with the survey polylines |
News: | Added the possibility to extract in the profile the intersections references with the axis polylines |
News: | Added the possibility to extract in the profile the intersections references with the survey polylines |
News: | Added the possibility to view the intersections with other sections |
News: | Added the ability to customize the intersections references |
News: | Added the possibility to define the maximum length of the segments of the polylines extracted from the point clouds |
News: | Added the possibility to extract and visualize the points of the clouds in the sections |
News: | Added the possibility to extract and visualize the points of the clouds in the profile |
Improvement: | Improved the extraction of the section polylines from the point clouds |
Improvement: | Improved the extraction of the profile polylines from point clouds |
News: | Added the integration of the survey points in the triangulation of the point clouds |
News: | Added the possibility to define the minimum density of the triangulation of point clouds |
Improvement: | Improved the area selection in the partial triangulation of point clouds |
Improvement: | Improved the osnap on point clouds |
Improvement: | Improved point cloud visualization |
Improvement: | Updated the SierraSoft Mass Data Converter for the management of the new CSD format |
Improvement: | Updated the CSD format for point cloud management |
News: | Added the extractions of profile polylines from drawing subprojects |
News: | Added the extractions of section polylines from drawing subprojects |
News: | Added the possibility to define a interval of stations in the extractions of the profile polylines |
News: | Added the possibility to define a interval of stations in the extractions of the sections polylines |
News: | Removed the limit on the number of profile polylines extractions |
News: | Removed the limit on the number of sections polylines extractions |
News: | Management of saving plotting previews |
News: | Management of 3D views in plotting previews |
News: | Export of plotting previews as images |
News: | Setting the plotting interval and scale in the visibility diagram preview |
News: | Release Version 5 |
Version 4
News: | Added automatic calculation of the change points of the model in the project planimetry |
News: | Added new options to improve the quality of the display in realistic mode |
Improvement: | Improved the display performance in realistic mode |
Improvement: | Improved selection in realistic mode |
News: | Added unicode characters management in typical sections and typical objects |
Improvement: | Improved the management of the sight internal widenings |
Improvement: | Improved the generation of automatic sight model |
Improvement: | Updated the checks of the “Normativa intersezioni 2006 - Italia” |
Improvement: | Updated the checks of the “Normativa stradale 2001 - Italia” |
News: | Added new BIM properties by entities for BIM objects of the layers, blocks, codes. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added new BIM properties by entities for BIM objects of the WBS intervals and sections intervals. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added new BIM styles for typical sections, the typical objects and the elements of typical objects. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added the possibility to integrate the properties of the typical objects in the BIM objects of the project model. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added the customization of the types of BIM objects of the project model. (BIM Modeling) |
News: | Added in the geometry annotation the dimensioning of the vertical curves |
News: | Added in the geometry annotation the dimensioning of the relative maximums and minimums |
News: | Added in the geometry annotation the dimensioning of the tangent points |
News: | Added in the geometry annotation the dimensioning of the superelevations |
News: | Added in the profile the types of vertical curves table: “Vertical curves, grade lines and tangent points” and “Vertical curves, vertices and tangent points” |
News: | Added in the profile, the dimensioning of the relative maximums and minimums |
Improvement: | Improved in the profile the columning of the horizontal alignment, of the grade lines and of the vertical curves |
Improvement: | Improved the function transform entities |
News: | Added the import and export of REB documents |
News: | Added the import and export of text documents |
News: | Added the management of large images |
News: | Added the management of new IFC entities |
Improvement: | Improved display in realistic mode |
News: | Updated the BIM Exchange extension with the new features of BIM Modeling |
News: | Added new BIM Modeling extension for information modeling |
News: | Added new BIM visualization of the project data |
News: | Added the compability with AutoCAD 2018/2019 |
News: | Added the possibility to manually assign the section flag to the section polylines |
News: | Added the multiple selection of the polylines in the commands divide and measure |
News: | Added the multiple selection of the polylines in the commands edit polyline |
News: | Added the module for the typical objects building |
News: | Added the creation of typical objects from the section polylines |
News: | Added the clipboard management for the graphic entities |
News: | Added the columning of speed, sight and sight widenings in the annotations box of the profile |
News: | Added the possibility to create closing surfaces of closed objects in the project planimetry model |
News: | Added the speed used for the check of the elements in the policy check reports |
News: | Added the display and the control of the DI of the superelevations in the display by station |
News: | Added the intervals for the insertion of the start and end of the automatic sections |
News: | Added the intervals for the insertion of the correlated automatic sections |
News: | Added in the profile the columning of the section name in planimetry |
News: | Added the possibility to automatically adapt the columning size according to the section entities |
News: | Added the command to correlate two sections from the graphic window |
News: | Added the command axis information |
News: | Added the command copy properties |
News: | Added the command to insert a circle by tangent, tangent and radius |
News: | Added the command explode for the polylines |
News: | Added the commands for the editing of the section polylines |
News: | Added in the drawing toolbar the layer commands |
News: | Added the scrolling toolbar in the windows of the additional desktops |
News: | Added the management of the properties in the windows of the additional desktops |
News: | Added the management of the entity filters for the realistic mode |
Improvement: | Improved the management and the customization of the annotations box of the sight diagram |
Improvement: | Improved and made faster the axis generation |
Improvement: | Improved and made faster the display in realistic mode |
Improvement: | Improved the management and the display of the commands messages |
Improvement: | Improved the query commands ID, distance, angle and area |
News: | Release Version 4 |
Version 3
News: | Added the management of project coordinates systems |
News: | Added the command 3D offset |
News: | Added the command multiple 3D offset |
News: | Added the possibility to apply to all or more subprojects a single filter or a filter selection |
Improvement: | Updated the survey filters |
News: | Added command for the interpolation of the survey points elevations |
News: | Added command for the interpolation of the polylines elevations |
News: | Added command for the interpolation of the polylines elevations on model |
News: | Added commands for the points insertion on elements |
News: | Added some options for the visualization of references from intersections in the extraction styles |
News: | Added the extraction of profiles and sections by survey points |
News: | Added the extraction of profiles and sections from constraints |
News: | Added the sight distance calculation along an axis polyline |
News: | Added the calculation direction of the sight distance |
News: | Added the maximum speed for the sight distance checking |
News: | Added the columning of the sight widenings |
News: | Added the automatic insertion of the correlated sections in the lane intersections |
News: | Added the management of the correlated sections in the sections annotations box styles |
News: | Added the management of the correlated sections in the sections table |
Improvement: | Improved the generation of the project planimetry in presence of cutting lines |
Improvement: | Improved the import and export of the blocks in DWG and DXF |
News: | Added, in BIM Exchange, the export for the stakeout and machine control |
News: | Added, in realistic mode, the display of an image applied to the survey triangles |
News: | Added the display in base of the colors scale of the triangles elevations of the survey |
News: | Added the realistic view mode |
News: | Added the visualization of the free sight distances in planimetry |
News: | Added the visualization according to the freedom degrees of the vertical elements |
News: | Updated the window of the quantities with addition of the project codes and the cost estimation |
News: | Added the triangles merge of a model with axis models |
News: | Added the tab of stakeout data in the survey points tables |
News: | Added option in the section polylines codes to allow or not the polyline cut |
Improvement: | Improved the display of the diagrams of speed and sight, superelevations and widenings |
Improvement: | Improved the geometry annotation of the tables and vertices |
Improvement: | Improved the curves insertion by point and radius |
News: | Added the management of the axis stakeout and of the section elements |
News: | Added the block management |
News: | Added the management of the characters width factor |
News: | Added the internal vertex in the geometry annotation table |
News: | Added the second elevation and the elevation difference in the table of the survey points |
Improvement: | Improve the reports with the WBS |
Improvement: | Improved the reports with the equalization |
Improvement: | Improved the reports of the volumes with the barycenters |
News: | Release Version 3 |
Version 2
News: | Added the proxy management for web services |
News: | Added in the BIM Exchange the downloading of the maps from Google Maps |
News: | Added in the BIM Exchange the downloading of the DTM from Google Maps |
News: | Added the policy “FRA - ICTAVRU 2009 - Échanges” |
News: | Added the policy “FRA - ICTAVRU 2009” |
News: | Added the policy “FRA - ICTAAL 1994” |
News: | Added the policy “BR - Manual de Projeto Geométrico de Travessias Urbanas 2010” |
News: | Added the policy “BR - Manual de Projeto Geométrico de Rodovias Rurais 1999” |
News: | Added the draw order from view point with or without fillings |
Improvement: | Updated the help on line |
Improvement: | Updated the Smart Help |
News: | Added the policy “Richtlinien für die Anlage von Straßen, RAS 1995 - DEU” |
News: | Added the management of the subprojects groups |
News: | Added the dimensioning of the horizontal alignment elements |
News: | Added the columning of the elevation difference of the sections in the profile |
News: | Added the control for sections with automatic elements modified manually |
News: | Added the exportation of the sections in LandXML format |
News: | Added the Cloud Storage in BIM Exchange (Available only under Gold Subscription) |
News: | Added the BIM Exchange function for BIM design (Available only under Gold Subscription) |
News: | Added the policy “Instrucción de Carreteras, Norma 3.1-IC 2000 - ESP” |
News: | Added the policy “Instrucción de Carreteras, Norma 3.1-IC 2016 - ESP” |
News: | Added the policy “Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2011 (Imperial) - USA” |
News: | Added the policy “Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2011 (Metric) - USA” |
News: | Added new columning in the annotations box of the sight diagram |
News: | Added the curve by point and radius in the insertion of horizontal aligment elements |
Improvement: | Improved the insertion flow of the horizontal alignment elements |
Improvement: | Improved the extraction of polylines from models with the option “Color by reference layer” |
News: | Added the command for the sections rename |
Improvement: | Improved the insertion and the removal of the authomatic sections |
Improvement: | Updated the policy “Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2004 (Imperial) - USA” |
Improvement: | Updated the policy “Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2004 (Metric) - USA” |
Improvement: | Updated the policy “Oman Highway Design Standards 2010 - Sultanate of Oman” |
Improvement: | Updated the policy “Normativa stradale 2002 - Italia” |
News: | Modified the DWG export of the preview with automatic scaling in millimeters |
News: | Added the parameters “K” e “A” in the table of vertical curves |
News: | Added the automatic convertion of sections to “Free” after the removal of automatic generation of polylines |
News: | Added the policy “Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2004 (Imperial) - USA” |
Improvement: | Updated and completed the policy “Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2004 (Metric) - USA” |
Improvement: | Updated and completed the policy “Oman Highway Design Standards 2010 - Sultanate of Oman” |
Improvement: | Updated and completed the policy “Normativa intersezioni 2006 - Italia” |
Improvement: | Improved the drawing in the additional desktops |
Improvement: | Improved the management of selection in the editing commands of entities |
Improvement: | Improved the extraction of profiles and sections from point clouds |
Improvement: | Improved the management of the subgroups (clouds, images, etc.) in the management of subprojects |
Improvement: | Improved the drawing of the intersection schemes |
News: | Added the management of file LAS in the SierraSoft Mass Data Converter |
News: | Added the insertion and the modification of the clothoids for lenght |
News: | Added in the policies, the management of the superelevations and widenings in the curves without clothoids |
News: | Added the policy “Oman Highway Design Standards 2010 - Sultanate of Oman” |
Improvement: | Updated and completed the policy “Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2004 (Metric) - USA” |
Improvement: | Updated and completed the policy “Norma de traçado 1994 - Portugal” |
Improvement: | Updated and completed the policy “Normativa intersezioni 2006 - Italia” |
Improvement: | Updated and completed the policy “Normativa stradale 2002 - Italia” |
News: | Added the image management in the subprojects window |
News: | Added the insertion of the shoulders in intersections schemes |
News: | Added and updated the intersections schemes: Simple curves, Two centered curves, Three centered curvess, Curves with triangular island |
News: | Added the ability to define export settings into the AutoCAD clipboard |
News: | Added the ability to choose if to always export the 3D Faces as triangles |
News: | Added the ability to execute the command of export to DWG/DXF directly from the preview windows |
News: | Increased the number of extraction styles of the profile and section polylines for single axis |
News: | Added the ability to extract the profile polylines at a specific distance from the axis |
News: | Added the partial display of the profile annotations box |
News: | Added the ability to sort the sections for columns in the preview |
Improvement: | Improved the import of a complete subproject from SGD files |
Improvement: | Added the display of the references by intersection in the preview of the profile and sections |
News: | Release Version 2 |
Version 1
News: | Added the points reduction in the extraction of profile and section polylines |
Improvement: | Improved the extraction of the sections from point clouds |
News: | Added the new program SierraSoft Mass Data Converter for the conversion of mass data |
Improvement: | Improved the loading and visualization of the point clouds |
News: | Added the insertion and display of the point clouds |
News: | Added the calculation of sections and profiles from point clouds |
News: | Added the insert of the grade lines by start/end point and slope |
News: | Added the conversion of lines and arcs in the join polylines command |
Improvement: | Improved the selection filters in the properties windows |
News: | Added the plotting preview of the sight diagram |
News: | Added the ability to export the sight diagram model in a survey subproject |
Improvement: | Improved triangulation with aligned points |
News: | Added the calculation of sight diagram from existing model |
News: | Added the request of the parameters of clothoids during insertion of the curves by “Radius and length” and “Between elements” |
News: | Added the bar view of the horizontal alignment elements in the profile |
News: | Added the bar view of the vertical alignment elements in the profile |
Improvement: | Protection update |
News: | Added polyline editing commands |
News: | Added the report of the policy controls of the horizontal alignment elements |
News: | Added the report of the policy controls of the vertical alignment elements |
News: | Added the report of the sections areas and widths |
News: | Added the command “Open point in the table” to the local menu of the cad |
Improvement: | Selection of the station from cad perpendicular to the edges in the at-grade intersections |
News: | Release Version 1 |