SierraSoft Land
BIM software for land 3D modeling and analysis
- SierraSoft Land
- BIM software for land 3D modeling and analysis
- Version 8.0
- Subscription software license
System requirements:
- Microsoft® Windows 11 64 bit (up to version 24H2), Windows 10 64 bit (up to version 22H2).
- 2.5 GHz or faster processor.
- 4 GB minimum RAM (8 GB recommended).
- 2 GB hard disk space.
- 1680x1050 graphics card with 16.8 million colors (1920x1080 or higher recommended).
- Microsoft® Edge Windows Browser.
General features
- M3 Framework platform.
- Ergonomic Interface.
- Customized sliding toolbar.
- Management of multiple windows, multi pages and multi monitors.
- Standard windows and full screen working method.
- Intelligent Command line.
- SmartSave system for the secure saving of data.
- International unit of measure management (Metrics and Imperials).
- SmartHelp system for learning by doing.
Available languages
- Software: English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French.
- Video tutorial: English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French.
- Sample files: Italian.
- User Manual: English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French.
- Online Help: English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French.
- SmartHelp: English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French.
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Coordinate systems
Support for coordinate systems based on EPSG standards, configurable according to: Geodetic area, Geodetic system, Plane projection, Elevation origin, Horizontal datum, Vertical datum, Grids and Geoids.
Managed grid formats: GR1, GR2, GK1, GK2 (Verto) , NTv2 (National Transformation version 2), NADCON (North American Datum Conversion).
Managed geoid formats: GK1, GK2 (Verto), NTv2 (National Transformation version 2), NGS (National Geodetic Survey), GGF (Trimble Grid and Geoid File), GTG (Geodetic TIFF grids).
GIS and geospatial data
ESRI Shapefile (SHP): Import with conversion of GIS data to BIM data and export with conversion of BIM data to GIS data.
Google Maps Platform: Acquisition of static maps / images via the Google Static Maps service and acquisition of elevation data via the Google Maps Elevation service. Google Key credentials are required to access the services.
KML and KMZ: Export data and models in KML, KMZ format to manage geospatial data in three dimensions in Google Earth software and Google Maps service.
- High-performance 3D graphic engine.
- Full 3D CAD.
- Insertion of drawing elements (lines, arches, texts, blocks etc.).
- Tools for editing drawing elements (drag, cut, etc.).
- Tools for drawing analysis (distance, angles, etc.).
- Advanced drawing and editing functions.
- Subprojects management.
WBS management.
- View mode: drawing and realistic.
- Management of drawing styles.
- 3D visualization and perspective with shading.
Images and photos
- Management of raster images: upload and visualization.
- Management of georeferenced images.
Maps download from Google Maps (SierraSoft BIM Exchange is required).
- Images insertion on the model.
- Reading and writing file from land surveying instruments.
- Insertion and editing of survey points.
- Advanced functions for the management of survey points.
- COGO (topographic and geometric utilities for the creation of new points).
- Point description and symbols from codes.
- Automatic drawing by codes.
- Management of breakline and boundary constraints.
- Automatic triangulation on points and break lines.
DTM download from Google Maps (SierraSoft BIM Exchange is required).
- Advanced functions for the management of the triangle model.
- Management of contour lines.
- Merge models.
- Visualization according to the color scale of elevation of model triangles.
- Management of allotments.
- Volume calculation on fixed elevation.
- Volume calculation by levelling without adjustment.
- Volume calculation by levelling with adjustment.
- Volume calculation by intersection of models.
- Volume calculation by polyline.
- Visualization and printout of calculated volumes.
- Extraction and management of models perimeters.
Point clouds
- Visualization of point clouds.
- Direct drawing on point clouds.
- Simultaneous management of multiple clouds.
- Automatic triangulation on point clouds with different density.
- Real time extraction of profiles and sections from the clouds.
Management of point clouds originating from the laser scanner systems, lidar, Mobile Mapping and drones (UAV/APR).
Conversion from various formats (LAS, XYZ, PTS, XCF, E57, GeoTIFF DEM, etc.) with “SierraSoft Mass Data Converter” software.
3D Design
- Creation of sideslopes between polylines.
- Creation of sideslopes by slope, end elevation, width and height.
- Creation of horizontal and vertical sideslopes.
- Creation of sideslopes with extension to the DTM.
- Polylines offset to assigned elevation or with multiple elevation.
- Automatic slopes management for cut and fill.
- Manual entry of cross-sections.
- Dynamic cross-section visualization.
- Management of cross-section annotations box through customized styles.
- Management of polylines cross-sections.
- Extraction of cross-section polylines from customizable styles.
- Calculation of terrain cross-sections from: triangle digital model, break lines, points and point clouds.
- Calculation of areas and volumes by cross-sections.
- Calculation of areas and volumes from customizable styles.
Quantity and costs
- Management of quantity for quantity takeoff and estimating from cross-sections, from models and from entities.
Management of quantity for quantity takeoff and estimating by WBS.
- Import and export of SierraSoft Geomatics Suite files (.PST).
Import and export of Autodesk® AutoCAD files (.DXF,.DWG).